© Uwe Bellm / Stiftung Topographie des Terrors

Gestapo, SS and Reich Security Main Office
on Wilhelm- and Prinz-Albrecht-Straße
Permanent Exhibition

This tour focuses on how the personnel of the Nazi terror machine planned, organized and implemented the persecution and murder of millions of people in Germany and throughout Europe – and what this meant for the victims. The tour ends with the question of how the perpetrators were dealt with in postwar Germany.

  • Guided Tour for groups
    in English & German
    60 min, 80 €
    90 min, 112,50 € (in combination with open-air tour)
  • Guided Tour for school groups & educational institutions
    in English & German
    60 min, free

    90 min, free (in combination with open-air tour)
  • Booking
    > +49 (0)30 247 49 888
    > request form

  • Public Tour
    in English  saturdays & sundays 3:30pm
    in German saturdays & sundays 2pm
    60 min, free

© Stiftung Topographie des Terrors

The Historic Site:
Topography of Terror (open air)

From the organizational center of Nazi extermination policy to a forgotten place after 1945. This site tour invites you on the track of history on the grounds of the former Nazi »Terror Center«. With our expert guides you can get a critical perspective on the Nazi past and the way this »site of the perpetrators« was dealt with after 1945.

  • Guided Tour for groups
    in English & German
    60 min/80 €
    90 min/112,50 € (in combination with Permanent Exhibiton),
  • Guided Tour for school groups & educational institutions
    in English & German
    60 min, free
    90 min, free (in combination Permanent Exhibiton
  • Booking
    > +49 (0)30 247 49 888
    > request form

Zuschnitt: Bewaffnete Kämpfe in Berlin, März 1919, Copyright: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-R29325, o. Ang

Weimar under attack
20.03.24 - 01.09.24

Germany’s first democracy began with a non-violent revolution in 1918. The empire became a republic. Only a few weeks later, however, the peaceful beginnings turned violent. Uprisings, assassinations and attempted coups by both right- and left-wing factions posed a massive threat to the young republic. The multimedia exhibition “Weimar Under Attack” traces the facets of violence in the years 1918 to 1923. It shows how extremists and separatists brought the country to the brink of civil war, the drastic means used by the state in retaliation and how the language and literature of the time reflected the brutality of the events. At the same time, the exhibition raises the question of how lines of continuity run through Germany’s long history of political violence – from the Weimar Republic through the Nazi era to the present day.

  • Guided Tour for groups & school groups
    in English & German
    60 min/80 €
  • Guided Tour for school groups & educational institutions
    in English & German
    60 min, free
  • Booking
    > (+49)30 247 49 888
    > request form