Biographies of Modern Art:
Collectors and their works


»Biographies of Modern Art« honours eight impor‑
tant Jewish collectors of the Brücke artists. They all made a decisive contribution to cultural and social life in Germany in the 1910s and 1920s and were instrumental in the success of modern artists. Their lives changed abruptly with the National Socialist dictatorship from 1933. They were persecuted and lost most of their collections. The exhibition is based on the results of the Brücke-Museum’s provenance research. »Biographies of Modern Art« tells the story of these people’s lives through works of art, documentary material and film interviews with the descendants. A contemporary approach is provided by the artist Sophie von Hellermann, who creates a mural in the museum rooms exclusively for the exhibition.

  • Guided Tour for groups
    in English, German & Spanish
    60 Min/90 €
    90 Min/122,50 €
    plus admission

    Guided Tour for educational institutions
    in English, German & Spanish
    60 Min/55€
    plus admission

    Interactive Exhibition Talk for school groups

    in English, German & Spanish
    60 min/55 €
    90 min/87,50 €
    Admission free up to 18 years of age & for school groups

    > 030 247 49 888
    > museumsdienst@kulturprojekte.berlin